
Staying Safe Every Day

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Staying Safe Every Day

As soon as I turned 21, I realized that there were some things I needed to do in order to stay safe when I was out with my friends. For starters, I began focusing carefully on drinking responsibly. We would go through, talk about our plan to stay safe for the evening, and then hit the club with a responsible mindset. We also worked towards limiting the number of drinks that we were able to have, which helped us to stay even safer. This website is here to help other people to stay safe when they are drinking to prevent problems down the road.




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3 Awesome Reasons to Join a Champagne Club

Subscription boxes have been around for a while. It's a simple model, really. You pay a fixed fee each month, and you get a box in the mail filled with a certain type of items. Recently, champagne makers and distributors have moved towards using this model. As with a subscription box, you pay a monthly fee, and in exchange for your funds, you receive a bottle (or several) of champagne in the mail. Why would you join such a wondrous club? Well, for one, champagne is delicious. Here are a few additional reasons.

You'll expand your palate

Chances are, you have a favorite brand or two of champagne, and you buy those same few brands over and over again. You might be nervous to go out and buy something different because you may not like it. When you subscribe to a Champagne Club Subscription, however, the new champagnes come to you. This forces you to climb out of your comfort zone and expand your palate. Sure, there may be a few bottles you don't like, but there will be many that you do like and that you probably would not have tried otherwise.

You'll learn more about what you drink

When you buy a bottle of champagne in the liquor store, how much do you actually know about it? You know what the bottle looks like. You probably know what region it's from, but that's about it. When you're part of a champagne club, however, you'll usually be given vast information about the champagnes that are delivered to you. You might be given tasting notes, information about the vineyards where the grapes were grown, and suggestions for food pairings. Reading this information as you sip the champagne can be very enjoyable.

You'll always have champagne on-hand

With bottles of champagne being delivered to you on a regular basis, you'll be able to always keep come champagne on-hand. When someone stops by and you want to treat them to something nice, or when you want to celebrate an everyday success, you can pull out a bottle and enjoy, rather than having to go stand in line at a liquor store. 

Look into champagne clubs that deliver to your area. Whether you are someone who enjoys champagne once a week or just once in a while, joining such a club is a great way to expand your palate and enhance your knowledge.